Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go. Joshua 1:7 NKJV

Your success in your assigned purpose on earth is not necessarily a function of fasting and prayer. On the contrary, what determines your success or otherwise wherever you go and in whatever you do is your attitude to the word of God sent to you by His human agent(s) He has set over you as your spiritual leader.

You cannot choose to disregard the spiritual authority place of you by God and expect God to bless what you are doing. You also cannot despise God’s counsel and expect God to cause you to succeed wherever you go.

Your success in life is tied to your willingness to submit to  the spiritual leadership over you to receive divine instruction and your courage  to pay attention to the very minutest details of every instruction you have been given so as to obey everything without modification or adulteration

There’s no substitute to obedience. God’s counsel is eternal and can never change no matter the passage of time and your situation. Instead, you are the one that must make conscious efforts to adjust yourself to God’s word. May the Lord God give you the ear that hears and the heart that obeys so that you may prosper by His word as you are being taught and instructed in Jesus nname.Good morning and happy Sunday.

Your brother,

Olufemi Babalola