Then Abram said, “Look, You have given me no offspring; indeed one born in my house is my heir!” And behold, the word of the Lord came to him, saying, “This one shall not be your heir, but one who will come from your own body shall be your heir.”
Now Sarai, Abram’s wife, had borne him no children. And she had an Egyptian maidservant whose name was Hagar. So Sarai said to Abram, “See now, the Lord has restrained me from bearing children. Please, go in to my maid; perhaps I shall obtain children by her.” And Abram heeded the voice of Sarai. Genesis 15:3-4;16:1-2

After God has given you His own perspective and shown you clear direction over a matter or His purposes for your life, wisdom demands that you wait on Him to achieve His purposes in His way, by His terms and in His time. Every attempt by you to get things done by yourself is tantamount to edging God out of your life and taking His place. It would be foolishness to allow impatience to rob you of God’s plans for you.

God is fully aware of the various challenges you are facing, He is not unmindful of the pressure mounting on you both from within and without. Notwithstanding, it is by far more expedient you allow Him to work out things by Himself. If you do, there will be no loose end, no regrets and no unfinished tasks at the end for our God is perfect in ALL His ways and He always makes everything beautiful in it’s time. May the Lord give you the wisdom of patience and courage to persevere till the end in Jesus name. Have a sweet weekend.

Your brother,

Olufemi Babalola