O Lord , I know the way of man is not in himself; It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps. O Lord , correct me, but with justice; Not in Your anger, lest You bring me to nothing.
Jeremiah 10:23-24 NKJV
It is ABSOLUTELY vain and futile for you to put your confidence in yourself or in any human ideas, theory and wisdom.
The best of humanity is only human. No matter how grandiose the human thought or plan may appear, it is imperfect, inadequate and never constant.
Only God’s wisdom as revealed by Jesus Christ in His Word is eternal, sufficient and never subject to any variation or change. Every other thing in this world has its limits but the Word of God is beyond the full comprehension of anyone.
However, God’s Word may sound unpopular, unreasonable and ordinary many times. Yet, only the Word of God has the capacity to sustain, support and help you overcome all the life’s struggles. If you will accept Him as your best counsel and obey whatever He tells you this day and beyond, you will surely emerge victorious at last.
May the Lord Jesus give you the grace to take Him at His Word as He speaks to guide and direct your steps this new day and always. Good morning and do have a joyful day.
Your brother,
Olufemi Babalola